FlashFXP sending CPU usage to 100% with UnleashX Installed.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by buxton, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Was using EvolutionX/Spiderchip - and it didn't do it. Now I have UnleashX/Xecuter3ce.

    Just transfered 4.2Gb of stuff across and it took 20mins - I can't remember if that is OK or slow. But CPU usage is hitting 100% doing it - that didn't happen before I changed it all. PC is unuseable. The data transfer crap at the bottom of FXP is all slow and stuttery - the yellow bar hardly moves - but at times it says the speed is 40Mb/s which is miles higher than it was in the past - used to hit about 7Mb/s - so it's possible that the CPU usage being so high is messing with it.

    Any ideas? I might try uninstalling Unleash and go back to Evox and see if it sorts it.
  2. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Check for a PM
  3. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Turns out it is because I had ICS enabled - I updated FlashFXP - and went back to Evox - made no difference. Disabled ICS and it is all working fine again?!

    Does anyone know why ICS would send CPU to 100% on transfers? I had that enabled for XBMC scripts.
  4. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    ICS initiates a windows network one that begins with 169.X.X.X, if you have a router, hard or soft firewall conflicts occur because that network's range begins on 192.X.X.X, both networks would therefore be competing for the same FTP ports.
  5. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Networking throws me every time - can't seem to grasp it. Is there any way to avoid this? I have a Router, but I don't have any straight cable, I am thinking this is the better way to connect to the net?

    I used ICS for convenience.

    The FTP port bit I dont get - are both ranges 169 and 192 both using the same port for FTP? Can this be changes to allow each one to use a different port - or is FTP linked to one port?

    I still can't undrstand why it makes CPU hit 100%. I would have though the sharing of the port for FTP would just slow performance.

    As I said - networking tends to stump me.
  6. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    If you have a router, why do you have ICS on? The router is assigning IP addresses to every item thats plug into it. If you need more ports the you need to get a switch. Do you have a software firewall like ZoneAlarm or Black Ice or are you using the Windows firewall? Basically you only need ICS on when you don't have a router. Lets say for instance you have a PC that has 2 NICs, you would plug in other PC's cable so that it could share the Internet connection, thats when you would use ICS.
  7. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    I have 2xNic's - Onboard connects to Xbox and a PCI one connects to the Internet, Xbox is connected with Crossover so I can't stick it into the Router - unless I am wrong in thinking that it has to be straight cable? So the only way I could think to get XBMC onto the net was ICS.

    The wierd thing is - everything works - aside from the puzzling 100% CPU usage.

  8. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Is there a particular reason why you don't have your Xbox plugged directly into your router with a straight cable? A crossover cable is usually reserved for temporary usage. Why not take advantage of having 2 NICs by using one for regular Internet use, if you download a lot like most people bind the ports for the programs that you use to the other NIC. I'd be willing to bet that if you plugged your Xbox into your router Flash FXP would run even faster for you. The way you are set up now is that your PC is pretty much acting like a bridge between your router and Xbox, which would explain the increased CPU usage because they currently are on different networks.
  9. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    I don't have any straight cable - that is the only reason. I just noticed that even though ICS is disabled it is still hitting 90%+ when I FTP. As long as the files are small it doesn't seem to do it - or more that it peaks so fast that it doesn't really register - it drops back to zero between files - so when I copied a bunch of MP3's across the time taken to transfer each one was so fast that I didn't notice it was still doing it. However - as soon as I stick a large file across - 100Mb and above the CPU usage goes through the roof.

    It also goes high if I Copy/Paste stuff across when it is mapped as network drive - so I can now count FlashFXP out as the problem.

    What worries me is that before I put this Xecuter chip in I had it setup in the exact same way - and I could FTP and say browse the net and it was fine. So either the Xecuter is somehow to blame - is faulty OR is it one of those really annoying things where something else has gone wrong coincidentally at the same time?

    I will swipe some straight cable from work - but I can't do that untill Tuesday (bank hol weekend) - unless I can grab some of a friend - I will ask around.

    If I plug the Xbox into the Router do I set the Xbox to DHCP? and just enable an extra IP in the Router? And it will basically just work - or are there any other setting that need altering?

    BTW cheers for all the replies.
  10. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    It works but your data is traveling in a loop which is why your CPU usage is going crazy. The router only routes to items on its network that are plugged into it, they all have network addresses that start with 192.X.X.X, its 190 something, the connection thats between your PC and Xbox has a network address of 169.X.X.X, 169 addresses are default microsoft addresses. So, all that said your router's network and your xbox are on totally different networks. Your PC is acting as a bridge doing double duty transferring data when it shouldn't be, thats what you have a router for, items that your are sending from your PC enroute to your Xbox are going to the router first, the router says this address is not on my network, but it knows that a 169 net address is your PC's other NIC address so it sends it back to the PC and then your PC sends it on to your Xbox, thats called a loop and its a bad thing. If you let your router do the routing, instead of your PC your CPU usage won't go up. You can set your Xbox to DHCP, yeah you just plug it in, it will work. And of course make the address change in Flash FXP.
  11. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Got some cable - now it is running via the Router - FlashFXP still sending the CPU to 100% - actually when I checked Task Manager it is system that is hitting 80%+ and doing all the damage.


    You can just see that system is at 88% - this has only started since the Xecuter3ce went in - I am out of ideas as to why this is happening.
    Last edited: May 1, 2006
  12. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Did you change any settings within Flash FXP? Exactly how much Ram do you have? What OS are you running? Is your cable connection running straight from your cable modem into your router?
  13. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Turned off Passive mode - that's all I have changed.

    Cable Modem into Router - Router to 2xPC's and Xbox.

    It's system that is going high - FlashFXP is only using about 10% - system is all over the place - 40% - 90% - this is going to be one of those impossible to sort issues that ends in me redoing the O/S and it will go away.

    It's XP Pro SP2 - 2Gb RAM - AMD64-3200.

    I also tried going from Xbox to PC and it still goes high.
  14. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    You should be using passive mode... Do you have any system optimizers, analyzers, memory managers, or XPSpeeder running on your PC.
  15. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Really - I was told to turn Passive Mode off - makes no difference anyway - I tried it on/off.

    Got nothing running in the background - nothing in startup.

    For some reason (I think) there is a driver issue somewhere - or a driver clash - or one of those totally annoying XP issues that crop up from time to time - I am willing to bet if I re-install XP the issue will go away.
  16. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Log out, then sign in, under your Administrator account then run Flash FXP, let me know what happens.
  17. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Did that - same thing. still shoots up on FTP.

    It has to be a driver conflict of some kind - CPU usage should be really low when running FTP - the motherboard chipset should be doing it all - I can only think something has gone wrong in the drivers for that OR something is hanging around causing it - we all know how crap XP is at removing files.

    It will take like 30mins to re-install it all - it's just a question of getting round to it - I am almost certain it will clear up on fresh install.

    Aside from a faulty X3 chip I cant see what else it can be.

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