Flashing an image to a dreambox

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by fintannl, Apr 11, 2010.

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  1. fintannl

    fintannl Regular member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Number of configurations available
    1/ Using a null modem cable (this will require a 9 pin RS232 port on your PC or a USB to RS232 converter cable if you do not have an RS232 port and wish to use USB instead).
    2/ Use a crossover network cable to directly connect from your PC network port to the dreambox network port.
    3/ Use a router. In this case the dreambox is physically connected to the router (or via homeplugs) and the PC is either connected to the router via a network cable or wirelessly

    The software required in all cases is DreamUP.

    What I have found is that if you truly mess up your dreambox (ie. if you load an invalid or faulty image and your dreambox seems dead) then in 99% of situations you can recover by using the null modem cable. I would advise any dreambox user to always have a null modem cable on standby. I have used mine a multitude of times. Its very simple to use. Simply start DreamUp, press connect, power up your dreambox and then select your image by browsing to the location of the image on your PC.

    While I do have a crossover cable I do not recommend this solution. However it does work using DreamUP and does not require a router.

    The ideal solution is to have PC and dreambox both conneected to the router. In this case the methods vary slightly if you have a DM500 as compared to a later version of dreambox.
    If you have a DM500 then you rename the image to root.cramfs and transfer it to the /tmp directory using program such as FlashFXP. Once done you then reboot the DM500 and the new image is installed.
    Alternatively you use DreamUP to load the new image across the network or via the null modem configuration

    For later models (and the method I use most often) is to power on dreambox while holding the power button on the dreambox in. Your IP address of the dreambox should be displayed (it must be router connected). Open a web browser and type in this IP address. Use the firmware upgrade link on the page displayed and select the location on your PC where the image is located
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