flashing bios on xecuter2

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by elghia97, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. elghia97

    elghia97 Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    What is the easiest way to flash a xecuter2 bios?
    I have the .bin file and I also have the x2bm which is the bios manager, bu when i run it says it can't detect xecuter 2.
    any ideas?
  2. Pontius

    Pontius Regular member

    Feb 15, 2004
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    Just go into X2BM and open up your bios in the first 2 banks.This will make it a 512 flash.Then burn it to a CD-RW with nero.
  3. scottas

    scottas Guest

    Is it an executer pro chip? If so, once you have everything connected, turn on xbox with chip enabled, don't worry if the xbox frags. If it can't find the chip check the dip switch settings. I find loading the bios in all banks works the best to start. You may also need to flip the dips while everything is on until the x2bm sees the chip. Also x2bm 2.2 is the current version. If your still having problems pm me and I'll walk you through some things.
  4. elghia97

    elghia97 Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Thanks guys, but the problem is I bought the xbox modded, so I have no clue about what you are talking about. How do you find out whether the chip is lite or pro? When the box starts up, all it says is 'xecuter2' while loading. And also about fliping the dips, what the??
    Sorry guys I'm a little new to this.
  5. Pontius

    Pontius Regular member

    Feb 15, 2004
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    The dip switchs are the 3 little switchs which have a green light (on) red light (off.They are connected to the mod chip.I stuck my switchs just under the controller port 1.But whoever installed your modchip could have left it inside the xbox.The switchs do the following on lite-

    Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3
    On/Off Protect/Unprotect Bank1/Bank2

    The difference between lite and pro are that if you screw up when trying to flash then you have to the the lite programmer.

    The pro has an lpt programmer whuch can be connected to a PC via a parallel port.

    Hope this helps.

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