I have flashed my psp years ago, so im not old to the flashing scene. But i don't know my way round the Nintendo DS, I have a old Phat DS, which usually means its easier to mod then the newer models. so i ask is there any software needed, and do i start by buying a DS slot card? i dont care about the slot 2 cards, i can play GBA roms on my psp. any help would be grateful
wow, no way, lol well i take it there is homebrew apps and such for the DS. that would require flashing, correct? i remember 2 years ago u had to remove the DS shell and you had to do this little trick with aluminum foil and tooth picks. is that how its still done? i mean since its not all that entertaining buying a ds slot card, i might as well flash it, thats the fun part anyway.
Nope, you dont have to do anything like that. Homebrew has to be patched to your specific flashcart to work but of the flashcarts autopatch now so you dont even have to do that anymore. I would not advise flashing the DS. Many DS carts dont even support flashed DS's anymore, they need the standard firmware.
ROFLMAO!! thats a good one. invest in a flash cart that have an 'i' after its name, like acekard 2i or ezflash Vi, just incase you may buy the new NDSi in the near future.