Hey what's up everyone, I recently try to convert a flv file into a mp3 file with media player classic and got stuck. I have a few question and maybe you guys/girls can help me answer. 1. Does media player classic only convert flv files that has the compression rate of 128kbps? Can it convert flv files that are in 160kbps? 2. I have a flv file that is in 128kbps and during the conversion phrase it got stuck and remains at 0.00% After I close the program and go back to play the flv file, a message appear saying "cannot render the file" I didn't have that problem before, I wonder what is going on with the program or maybe I did something wrong. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
You might want to try this free program (FLV Extract). I use to use it when I was working with FLV. It is very fast.... http://moitah.net/
Here's another one free that I have used and it woks very well: http://www.aoamedia.com/audioextractor.htm
Thank you all for your suggestion. As suggested by one of the member I've try aoa audio extractor and it didn't work. I'm not try to extract the audio from a video. What I'm doing is I downloaded a audio file in flv format and I need to convert that into mp3. Unfortunately aoa audio extractor didn't work. When I loaded the flv file and click on start, the program would freeze up and a message pops up asking me to close the program. Thanks anyways.
Did you try FLV Extract as mentioned above by undine ? Open the program, and drag and drop the FLV file onto the small window. It will extract the audio and video (often avi and mp3) into the same folder as the source. Try this, and see what you get.