Hi guys, I'm planning on buying a dual-layered dvd burner. I know I should still use dvd43 to decrypt so do I still need to use dvd shrink? If not, what do I use instead of dvd shrink to copy to hard drive? And...do I then use Nero 6 Ultra to burn afterwards? Confused...please help. Thanks!
Thanks for the response Jetster... So DVDdecrypter uses the same premise as dvd43...it will decode CSS-encoded DVD's. Ok, one more thing, is Nero 6 ultra a simple program to use, especially for a beginner? Thanks!
Just one more question... Are DVD decrypter and Nero 6 Ultra the only 2 programs I'll use to copy dvd's?
DVD43 or AnyDVD [bold]only[/bold] disables the css encryption... It does not rip. For dual layer: When using Shrink, turn off compression. DVD Decrypter will do just fine also.
Hi... So, in other words, I'll need to use dvd43 or dvd decrypter, for example, then use dvd shrink to rip then finally use Nero 6 Ultra to burn. Am I missing something else or is that it? Sorry for being a pain guys. Thanks!
Not exactly. DVD43 only disables the css encryption. IT WILL NOT RIP So you can rip with DVD Decrypter. You can use Shrink, but you have to turn off compression. If your using dual layered media there is no need for any compression. And burn with Nero
So then all I need is DVD Decrypter and Nero, right? Since DVD Decrypter can disable the css encryption and rip; after that, Nero to burn. These 2 programs are simple to use right?
About Nero... Is Nero Burning Rom v6.3 the same as Nero 6 Ultra? If not, what's the difference? Thanks!
ok... Besides Nero, what other programs can I use to burn that would be compatible with DVD Decrypter?
I'm guessing but you could probably just use DVD Decrypter. Decrypter in ISO mode instead of file mode. Then use Decrypter to burn the ISO.
I have used dvd decryter to both rip and burn backups of dvd's that didn't need compression using the iso mode, and it has worked great, not one single coaster. The newest version of dvd decrypter is supposed to support dual layer burning, and if it works as good as it does for single layer dvd's, its really all you would need. Has anyone tried this on a dual layer DVD?
llongtheD, I haven't seen anyone post just using Decrypter for dl burning. Give it time, the dl media is still scarce.
sorry I guess I should have read flip218's post a little more carefully, I said pretty much the same thing, but haven't tested that myself yet. Johnny2k4 if you have a dvd that is under 4.36GB in size go to the mode tab, scroll down to iso mode, select read, and after your image is created, go to the mode tab, select iso write, and you can burn your dvd with one tool.There is a guide to using dvd decryter if you click on the link, but I think it was created before the dual layer support was added.