I have a non bc 80 gig ps3 with a dualshock 3 controller, hdmi cable, regular av cables,comes with 22 blu ray movies which are as follows 1. Blade runner 5 disc collection 2. Die hard 4 movie set 3. Terminator 1 4 Terminator 2 skynet edition 5. Terminator 2 regular edition 6. The dark knight 7.The bank job 8. The transporter 2 9. Total recall 10. Twilight zone the movie 11. Clockwork orange 12. enter the dragon 13. batman begins 14. Stepbrothers 15. Dawn of the dead 2004 16. The xfiles fight the future 17. X files I want to believe 18.Day of the dead original 19. Weeds season 1 20. Robocop 21. Reservoir dogs 22. Spiderman 3 And the ps3 game is bioshock If interested please contact me also if you have somthing of equal value or if you have a psp 3000 plus cash I would be willing to do that