My movie was done with Nero but when I try to play it, it won't open because it is in HHD Mode. What did I do wrong and how do I resolve it? Thanks.
Hi titilucky Was this a dvd backup? I'm thinking you might mean high definition mode? Did you use Recode Digital? Tell us what you were trying to burn and what you uses/steps in nero.
The problem is that when I play, it begins with sound and then all audio stops. I see lips moving but I hear nothing. What could be done about this? When I checked with Shrink, the audio says "AC-3 unspecified." Thanks.
Yes, it's a backup and I did it with Nero Burning. I did not use Recode. As I said before, in the dvdplayer it starts with audio and then all audio stops. In my PC it has sound. Also, when I say it says HDD Mode is when I tried to play the backup in PowerDVD; I also thought it might be High Definition Mode of which I don't know much. Thanks for your usual help.
Ok now it's sounded like high def audio maybe. Are you given audio options like ac3 5.1 and ac3 2ch in Shrink? Did you uncheck any? Last questions for you What's the movie?
It has checked "AC3-2ch unspecified" and the movie is Dead Man's Chest. When I preview in Shrink and right click on Audio it shows that too and nothing else, and it can't be unchecked. Hope you can help. Thanks.
Sounds like a pirated movie to me since that title is not released yet (not for a long while) This forum isn't about troubles with pirated films. Wait til it's offically released then we might be able to help with legit backup problems.