nokia 6.2 running Android 10(stock) I recently bought a 200gb sd card that works great with my phone. I tried recently formating the sd card as internal storage so I can have more room on the phone (wanted to see how much room I could get). I noticed afterwards that none of my mp3s would play. I rebooted the phone, still the same thing. Vlc media player and files by Google say that the mp3s are not playable. If I format the sd card back to external, the mp3s play fine. The mp3s are stored on the built-in memory.
Hi, Have you checked all MP3 files? It might be possible that few mp3 files have this issue and the rest of the files might work fine. Please update if all files have no sound.
All of them which is strange. If the card is formatted as portable, they work. If the card is formatted as internal, none work. Vlc just keep skipping around not playing anything ,files by Google says they are non playable. I tried posting on Google's android forums and nokia forums, with no results.
Just a guess: SD cards are slower than Internal storage and internal storage settings might not be able to accurately read the additional space. I would also wonder what would happen if a phone used an SD card as internal space and then out of the blue the SD card failed, because they do fail much quicker than internal storage. The more the SD card is used the quicker it will fail. I would be willing to bet that is a relatively common issue. I will ask around to see if there is a solution.