my friend have an intel p3 800mhz,128mb of ram which is preety much slow on xp. so he handed me over his pc for a format to 98se but its not formatting . i am booting it from the 98 cd itself but i press format c:,it says bad command or something. note: drive c,d & e are ntfs drives and i have got a ntfs support driver for 98 for supporting them... how do i format now?
i am having all the 3 drives ( C,D & E ) in ntfs format so u mean to say delete the partition of C: or the whole partition of the hdd ( c,d & e ). i dont want to take any risk cause he strongly said that he need his files which is stored in drive d & e but just want to format drive c which contains the windows files.....let me know plz thx in advance.....
win98 will not see stuff on a ntfs formated drive/partition as they are incompatible. tell your friend to backup his info or put win2k or xp on instead of win98
If you want, you can still tweak XP to run like 98. There's at least a few hundred thousand tweak sites out there....but you can start off with ...for instance, shut down all the eye candy and use the Windows classic theme. Turn off unneeded services....and if you can, you can still grab a few PC100 128MB memory chips and upgrade the system to at least 256, if not 384.