Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Phoenix21, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    ok somthing im gettin really frustrated with latly is people not following forum rule, it's not that hard you know,

    i feel sorry for the Moderators in the last few days every time im on people are breakin the forum rules example: Advertising i saw some one tryin to sell an xbox, today people lookin for iso games and cracks what next, im not having a go at Afterdawn, Afterdawn is great best site i've ever been part of, and i wanna be an Afterdawn addict one day but i'd rarther do it helpin people then warning the that tell will get banned if they keep on breakin the rules

    so please just read the rules follow them and this will be a great place

    [bold]read the fourm rules[/bold]:

    L8ter Phoenix21
  2. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    Yeah i agree with your frustration! It feels like common sense to me not do what some people do...

    But that being said their is around 300,000+ (my guss) peaple a day passing through afterdawn, so you are going to get a few people slipping through the rule net : )
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2005
  3. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    you know,no matter how much you try, you will never get [bold]all[/bold] people to read forum rules. even the spammers!
    these threads (no offense) are pointless, yes, but sometimes the rules need to be re-itterated. if you can get the newbies to read before they post, half the threads in here would not exist. but thats just my opinion. the search button is a wonderful tool, its just getting people to use it !!
  4. tmfloria

    tmfloria Active member

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  5. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    not being funny here, but this forum is about common sense.

    my common sense tells me

    not to post spam.
    not to swear
    not to @ 'bash' other members, or offend them or make them subject to abuse
    not to post for help to members with a high knowledge by pm (unless invited), because it isn't fair.

    if you don't have this sort of common sense, i feel for you.

    i have never looked at the rules word for word. i don't need to. if some particulars had a little more common sense, the the mods (and members aswell) wouldnt have to keep getting p'd off and posting the link to the rules 4 damn idiots who take advantage of the space.



    Last edited: Oct 11, 2005
  6. tmfloria

    tmfloria Active member

    Sep 30, 2003
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    The ones that get Booted and Have problems are the ones who don't think before they post... If you're trying to convert a Divx or Xvid (AVI) to DVD just say that's what you want help with... Don't be dumb and say Yeah I downloaded Star Wars III from Kazaa and it's in AVI format and I want to convert it to DVD....

    Well then of course we are going to jump on ya because you're talking about Piracy as well as the task at hand...

    Just say I have a AVI and I need to convert it to DVD can you please help...

    If you have a ? about peer to Peer don't tell us what you plan on D/Ling if it's Illegal that will get you booted and in trouble.
    If you're having problem backing up a game PS2 XBOX or whatever dont' say you went and rented it from Netflix or Blockbuster and you need help backin it up there again you're getting into piracy..

    Common sense people.. Don't put your foot in your mouth when all you had to ask was a basic ? we don't need the illegal details... If you get busted we don't need it comin back on us as users and afterdawn for answering a piracy ?

    and most annoying of all don't post a ? that is listed if you search for it about 100x + we don't like answering the same thing day after day after day..

  7. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    @tmfloria You hit that right in the head

    Plus Like Lethal_B said it all [bold]common sense[/bold]

    yer i spose but it never hurt to try

    yer true true and there are probly a lot more people passing through here every day, and they say rules are made to be broken but i just don't wanna see people get banned for stupid things that's why i started this thread
  8. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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  9. xboxdevil

    xboxdevil Guest

    yeah ive noticed the xbox forums are going downhill a lot because of newbies trying to fix there xbox dashboards i have that problem but im gonna pay $20 and get a professional to fix it.alot of post are useless stuff and in the wrong section as well.this site is going downhill and fast.hope to see an improvement soon.
  10. xboxdevil

    xboxdevil Guest

    O and if your gonna talk about pirated movies/games i dont have a problem with it just try and reword it so its sounds legal(instead of i just got a copy of soul calibre 2 say i just made a backup copy of soul calibre 2)as long as you dont get caught and make it sound as legal as possible i see no problem in that.not everyone can afford the latest computer/games/dvds
  11. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    See what im sayin not hard at all
  12. tmfloria

    tmfloria Active member

    Sep 30, 2003
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    Bottom line is that if people don't smarten up and go by the rules then soon Afterdawn will be after gone because of law suits and everything else... That's all this site needs is to get closed down because some bad eggs wanna make it sound like a pirate site

  13. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    lets just hope that never happens

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