worth $1,058,994

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by starjeb, May 7, 2010.

  1. starjeb

    starjeb Member

    May 7, 2010
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    Hi guys,

    I've been a lurker for quite a few months, but i decided to register on the
    forums today :) some of you guys are quite a friendly bunch (from surfing
    around earlier).

    I'm just a little curious (actually very, very intrigued) though. I was
    searching for a old thread i read some time back on the forum via google and
    i spotted that that this site** is worth *$1,058,994* from this url<
    Seriously? that's pretty damn impressive in my books. Must be you guys
    posting everyday and contributing. anyway, just thought you guys might want
    to know... yes i heard web 2.0 and community is priceless but that's
    errrr... is seriously wild. I wonder if it was calculated like a dollar a
    post or something.

    ok i gotta fix my sig... so much for being tech stupid.

  2. Pegasis

    Pegasis Regular member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Well this is pretty impressive i must say.

    Just being lazy here, but anyone got a ball park figure as to what it would be in £'s ?
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  3. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    About £730,000.
    But if it were Kroners, it would be over 6 million!
  4. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    Imaginary figures.. they don't exist in the "real" world. something is only worth what somebody will pay. A domain name isn't worth spit unless it directly related to a saleable product.. something like "" you can understand.. my domain "juliaskitchen" also, IF I was a catering business or similar.

    These figures are generated from google hits rankings, they have nothing to do with reality. Huge sites with millions of links tend to have falsely high values.. Imagine if years ago when the internet was just starting out you had spent your few quid and bought out every domain with "online" and "gambling" or "gaming" or "casino".. then you would be rich.. and it would have come from nothing at all.. and we wonder why the world is going broke?

    Domain name values are a hangover from the old days of greed where everything had to have a "price" attached.. we have been stupid enough to play along, thinking we "needed" domain names.. All they actually are is an entry in a database.. none really has any more value than any other, they all do the same thing, link a name to a number.. It's the site on the end of that number that might have some value. These things aren't even owned by the site owners, they rent them.. so the "value" is just a false way for the conpanys who "rent" this hot air nothing to jack up the price at will... it's a form of legal blackmail imposed by going to the trouble of creating a successful site.. more capitalism leeches bleeding the system for no real advantage for anybody but themselves.

    You don't even need a domain name.. just use your direct ip number.. cut out the leeches at source. google will still find your site by it's name and link it to your server. A domain just adds a little "gloss" to what is a mechanical function.. it's just your name in the phonebook instead of your number.

    why pay??
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2010
  5. ps3lvanub

    ps3lvanub Regular member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Killer, are you from England.

    I'd always wondered if you needed a domain name or not... Thanks Paula.

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