there is a cable coming in. In my cable box. my question is that when i connect it with t.v would they be able to track that? though computer? or they woudln't know anything.
It doesnt matter what you hook your cable connection up to. The company wont know what your doing with it.
hmm. I have a just one question. For digital cables, You know there are many Plan packages right. How do they kept out the channles that your not subscribe and your subscribe. AND why do i have cable coming in without me paying for it?
Ummmm... As far as I know, as soon as you hook up that cable, the company will know it. It may take some time for them to notice it, but cable is VERY easily traced. As far as how they give you some channels and not others, they use whats called filters. They put different filters in depending on what you subscribe to, and they filter out the channels you're not supposed to get. You might have cable coming in because when the last person left your house or apartment, the cable company may have forgotten to come out and turn it off.
I was under the assumption that rihgt682 had a cable subscription and simply wanted to watch it on his pc. But considering vwsport80's post. Yes, if you live in a rental and the last person that was their had cable. They will eventually find out. Now if you are paying a cable subscription, i still believe they wont know what your doing with it.
If your pirating cable, besides it being illegal, they would catch you and charge you a fine, possibly but unlikely take you to small claims court depending on the cable package being pirated and the amount of time it was being pirated.
A fine and/or possible jail time if you get caught. Up to $10,000 and /or jail time.