the site seems okay, however firefox couldn't find or install the nullsoft video plugin, so I had to use internet explorer. also the site seems to be running pretty slow, the video froze several times, and the quality doesnt' seem that great. but not bad for free
well firefox attempted to install but said it couldn't find the appropriate plugin. I didn't go searching for it, so I just use IE instead
wait! go to become a member on the top right hand corner and register then when u register on the bottom it tells u which option to pay pick limited shows and u can still watch free tv. :]
Is this true? I'm always suspicious with all those doubful plugins? But if I'll get something free I could install it... . Tell me. Is it worth taking the risk that I see with my paranoic eyes?
I did that but it'll still only show me that puzzle piece instead of tv show. It works in ie however so i won't die with this.