just register and you're good to go. i tried it and got my stuff. enjoy.
PC Tools Reg Mechanic's alot better than CCleaner's reg scanner. CCleaner's has been known to delete legit registry strings, so its recommended you not use the "issues" tab unless your an expert..apparently. Its NEVER done anything like that to me, nor anyone else I know who has it installed, still, Reg Mechanic is pretty much the best you can get. CCleaner = Junk file remover, for those who are too lazy to clean up windows themselves (using search > temp**) Reg Mechanic = Reg integrity scanner. For me it stays that way, don't trust ccleaner anymore.
So what's the difference between this one and the last free version (at bottom of page)?
@mackdl, The difference between this one and the one you linked us to is, the one you linked us to is a trial of this one (full version).. ;-)
have u guys noticed that it says Free Version at the top? is it really the full version, cause it doesnt make sense why they are just giving it away...
5. Congratulations, the registration process is now complete and you will now be returned to the free registered version of the Registry Mechanic. this is part of the email... you do not get updates and whatnot... so whatever... its like a trojan horse in a way, cause once u like the program enough i would imagine they would expect you to buy their program...