My brother been attending online college at Kaplan university. Anyway ive read that its possible to get win7 for free somehow. I check the sites store and its 79.99 but a site called show this college as being able to get win7 pro free for this college's students. Thing is it requires some kinda login and password that u cant create or anything. Anyone know how this works and if it really is possible to get it free?
Nothings free. You can download windows 7 images from there and burn to cd but you always still need a valid license key, which is what you're really paying for. There are sites that sell w7 at quite good discounted rates to students etc, just google "student discounted software" or similar. In uk students can pick up W7 professional for less than half price from these sites.
MSDN does provide free software to students of participating schools. Well free to the student anyway. It's some partnership with microsoft. Some schools make software available to all students and some limit it to select faculties such as computer science. The login should be familiar to the student. It's usually the same login you use for accessing your student records. If you download an OS, you download a image file and they send you an installation key. I think the agreement even says you can continue to use the OS after you graduate. At least that is how it worked when I got Windows XP Pro with MSDN.
only free if you are on a computer course such as IT essentials or A+ or Networking they hope you'll persuade other people to use it lol
I used the download method and was given a free license key for windows 7 pro ( I was only taking a Visio class at the time, but I think you just had to state intent to get a degree in a computer related field). Here is a Zdnet post from a while back that may be of great help to some of you. <--7 legal way of getting windows 7 cheap or free
not to be The guy tHat gets in troublE so Plz dont ban me if Its not Right but Anyways swim* mighT tEll By indirectly giving A clue to You where to get it for free : ) *swim = someone that is not me