I have a Seal Freeview USB stick which arrived earlier in the week. Quite impressed on the picture quality for something which cost 12 quid delivered from eBay! The software bundled with the stick is ArcSoft TotalMedia 3, which has a record function. This records video to mpg format. Before I have converted video files to image using VirtualDub. I tried this and it didn't recognise the video file. I opened it with GSpot, to see what codec it was using and it didn't say. I then tried converting the mpg using both SUPER and Media Coder - both converted it fine, but VirtualDub didn't recognise the 16:9 aspect ratio and made it all squashed up. I even opened it in movie maker in Vista (yeah I know lol) and it too opened it squashed up! I carried on regardless of the squashing to see if VirtualDub produced images, it did, but of very poor quality. So... not sure where to go from here. If I was to record a segment of TV and upload it - say 5mins or something, would someone else be willing to see what they make of it? My fear is that ArcSoft is putting some weird non standard codec in it, which will prevent me from using it properly...
Thanks for the suggestion - DVD Flick also doesn't take the file straight from the stick. The converted avi plays fine in VLC - in 19:9 aspect, however, DVD Flick puts it in 4:3 - even if I change it it seems?! Also, once it's in there how would I do the images thing?