I am having a problem with my backups freezing several times during the run of the movie. I am using the latest version of AnyDVD & Clone DVD My burning speed is set at the lowest speed at 1x. My burner is a Sony DVD RW DRU710A(rev BYX5). I am using HP 16X blank discs. It will not even play on one of my players, the other is as I said lots of freezeups,and forget about making another copy from those backups! This is happening on all brands of media that I have tried. Any Ideas?
Hello picman47. Burning at 1X is probably too slow for 16X media. I'd try 4X. A good rule of thumb is half the rated speed of the media. The HP media may not be of high quality either. They use some cheap poor quality media manufacturers sometimes. Best quality media is Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and Made in Japan labeled Fuji and Sony disks. You mentioned other brands. What were they?
I have used Sony, Memorex, Officemax,Verbatim, The Verbatim would not even work! And a no name brand of El cheapos,that I ordered off the net. Most of them are 8x.All are Dvd-r's. Thanks for the 4x tip, I will give it a try.
Have you checked to see if DMA is enabled for your drives? See this guide by bbmayo. http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/checking DMA.pdf
Ok I have went there and I will try and see if that is what is wrong.It has reloaded the software. thanks Laddy Although I have the capabilities for +r's my burner will not recognize them. So I just gave up and went back to -r's. Thanks anyway dolphin
If your burner isn't recognizing the +R format discs, then I'd think you would have a problem with it. How old is it? How much have you used it? Have you tried any "unauthorized" firmware updates on it? Do you smoke, have pets?
Yes I have a cat who most of the time is outside. Yes I smoke a pipe a couple of times a day. But usually not around the burner. I don't believe that I have perform any unauthorizeds loads, but keep in mind I am a newbie. The burner is about 2 and a half years old. Got it at Circuit City. I also live in the south,where the humidity is high. Would that have anything to do with it? thanks
been a reading the posts in this thread,i agree with dolphin2 i would get another burner..and today there very cheap.. try new egg http://www.newegg.com/?CMP=KNC-overturesmx&ATT=hp example LITE-ON Black 16X DVD+R 8X DVD+RW 8X DVD+R DL 16X DVD-R 6X DVD-RW 16X DVD-ROM 48X CD-R 24X CD-RW 48X CD-ROM 2M Cache ATAPI/E-IDE 16X DVD±R DVD Burner - Retail $37.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106013
You know Ireland. I have just about come to the same conclusion. lol What about those at Wal-mart for around 50 bucks?
I'd recommend the BenQ DW1650 also from Newegg. $33.99 and one dollar more for the black model. Excellent drive and best one for the money IMHO. I'd stay away from Wal-Mart on this issue.
I'm a NEC and BenQ guy myself. I have 5 NECs (1500, 2500, 3500, 3550, 6750) that all still work very well, 1 BenQ (1640) that works very well, and 1 Lite-On that's been nothing but trouble from the git-go. With the exception of my first burner, the NEC 1500, all have come from Newegg.
ok thanks guys for the info on the lite burners. I have went to the site and look at it. I use a laptop comp with an external burner. So is this LiteOn burner an external one? thanks again for your help.
Are you using USB2 or Firewire for your external burner? If you're trying to use USB1 you're going to have problems. For laptops I just buy internal burners and put them in either USB2 or Firewire 5 1/4 inch external enclosures myself. I like the NEC 3550 and the BenQ 1655 burners and either Plumax or Bytecc external enclosures. Newegg doesn't carry Plumax but carries Bytecc. Bytecc also makes a combo enclosure that has both Firewire (1394) and USB2 ports if your laptop has both types of comm ports.
Hi Laddy, I really do not know what kind of cable I am using for my external burner, to my laptop. It came with the Sony Burner,I purchased it at Circuit City,as my laptop. It is a 2 year old Toshiba Satellite laptop. Since I purchased the comp there, I knew they would know what burner would work with it. I have a desktop comp with Win98 on it. Maybe I should upgrade it ,it will burn Cd's well.If that is a lot then maybe just buy a new desktop with a burner already in it? I would really like to have something that would work well,and last a little while. I gave about $250.00 for the burner,and now it is no good. I apologize for my comp illiteracy,you have been a good help to me,as well as the others. Anyway I am open for suggestion,I appreciate any responses.
I guess my curiosity is peaked. I assume this current burner has burned disks satisfactorily in the past and at higher burn speeds. Is this correct? What ripping speed is obtained when you copy a disk to your hard drive? Do you have any friends or relatives that you can take the burner to and try on their PC and see if it works? A new burner is about $40 shipped and a new external enclosure will be another $30-$40, depending on what you purchase. It seems that unless you catch a big sale, that external burners ready to go run $100 and up. I like these burners: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101010 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827152058 This enclosure would work with either: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817145342R There's this ready to go Lite-On external at Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106011 Many like Lite-On. I just didn't have good luck with the only one I purchased.
ok thanks again laddy, I do not know what speed it rips at. I use anydvd, it will take between 15 to 25 minutes depending on the lenth of the movie. Yes I have copied about 300 movies will this burner.I learn as I go,some good, some bad,but basically after I understood the mechanics of slow burning speeds,never had many freezes after that.Now regardless it will freeze up at 1x speed. My friends do not even have a computer I could try, sorry. I look at the burners you gave me. Look ok to me. Defintely cheaper than what I gave for the Sony.
I can't tell you for sure whether it's the burner, a conflict with drivers, a conflict with software, some combination of the above, or something else causing your difficulties. I guess you could take everything to a repair shop, but by the time you paid them, you could buy a new burner for sure. I'd hate for you to buy a new burner and then have the same problems. If yor're up to it, you could backup any documents that need saving onto other media and then reformat your hard drive and reinstall the OS. Most laptops come with disks to reinstall everything that came on the laptop in the first place. I do this at least once, often several times, per year. Have you check the amount of fragmentation on your hard disk? That can soemtimes screw up burning.
I too am wondering if I am jumping the gun in this situation. I am assuming that you mean how much disk space that I still have. I have 18.1 gb out of 37.2gb left. I am a writer so most of the laptop is for articles. I never keep a movie on the hd because just too much space.I still have the disk for the software to reload it. I can try it. I have done it before on older computers,but never a laptop. I can probably save my articles. Plus the anydvd & clone on there. It can be done, people do it all the time. lol thanks again! p.s. I think I found the defragmentation in c drive and am now running it so as to see if that will help. I click on properties in c drive. ty
I reloaded my comp and tried it again. It is still freezing up. But I needed to reload it anyway so that is ok. I use a 8x disc set at 2x speed for burning. It started freezing 30 minutes into the movie. Back to the drawing board! lol