Alright guys, this problem has been going on a few days now... Pretty much what happens is, when I'm browsing the net, doesn't matter what I'm doing, I'll either randomly freeze, or blue screen. I can't figure out what the problem is. Any ideas?
what kind of equipment are you using.what operating system.any software,hardware added recently?any questionable downloads?do you regularly do maintainance on it?
AMD 64x2 Dual processor 6000+ 3.0 GHz 3.50 RAM Windows 7 32 bit Nothing has been added to recently, I would do a full out format, but when I boot from disc at startup, it says something like "A USB device is unplugged" or unplugged wrong... Or something like that, and won't go into setup. :\ Dunno what caused that, I haven't added and USB devices for a LONG time.
Umm... I have no idea what I'm looking for in Device Manager. I know how to open it and such, but that's about it. :\
click on each device and look for an exclamation mark beside it.means something wrong.if you right click on a device and click properties it will give information on its operation.if you find a problem you can try updating the driver or uninstalling it.if you uninstall it it will reinstall the next time you start back with any hardware problems.
Well I don't see any exclamation marks beside anything, should I maybe uninstall all my usb stuff and try a format again?
do you have 4gigs of ram which is why only 3.5gigs is showing with your 32bit windows? try 1 stick of ram at a time to see what happens as ran into that with a customer's laptop & it had a bad stick of ram.
Well I had one bad when I upgraded a while back, but the store I took it to said he fixed it, I don't remember if I had got 3.5 or 4 though, that might be it, but would that cause it to crash like this?
Well I don't think it's the RAM, I have 4 sticks, 3 are 1 GB the other is half a gig, I played around with them for a bit and I'm still crashing.
if have to restart computer when it freezes or blue screen, go into the bios to hardware monitor or health monitor to see the cpu temp.
cpu temp is your problem as about double what it should be as should be in the 30's to mid 50's. clean your cpu heat sink & reseat it after replacing old heatsink compound with new. namebrand or clone computer?
do you have a friend who knows his\her way around in computer hardware? has this problem being going on since visit to computer store or way after?