Friends dvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by chrisc55, May 24, 2006.

  1. chrisc55

    chrisc55 Guest

    Very new to this and this is my first message.I have just bought the whole of Friends from HMV£99.99p cheap.
    I always back up all my originals and need to do the same with these.
    The only problem is they are double sided and I do not want to useup sixty dvds when I can possibly get away with thirty.
    If there is any one who can help me back up both sides on to one disk I will be pleased.
    Thank for your help
  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If you want to maintain the menus from each side, for ease of use you'll have to use a commercial program like DVD Remake, for example, or else construct your own menus with TMPGEnc Author or NeroVision to mention just two programs. Let me just say that the video quality of the episodes will suffer by compressing two disks into one single layer diskette. It may be unacceptable to you. I know it would be to me having tried it in the past. 60 single layer disks are less than $20. Dual layer disks will be at least $2 each.

    Are the disks double-sided dual layer or single layer?

    You can use Shrink if you don't care about keeping the original menus.
    Last edited: May 24, 2006

    SOCOMII Regular member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    Try Dvd Shrink cut out all the menus and stuff and then try to fit it on one dvd. Is each side 4gb or 8gb? because if its 8 i doubt you could fit a total of 16 gb onto one 4gb dvd.
    Try this guide though
    Although i have never tried with a double sided dvd, only with a dual layerd dvd.
    Hope you find some of this helpful
    [bold]Edit:[/bold] Sorry if i gave the same info You beat me to the post laddyboy
    Last edited: May 24, 2006
  4. chrisc55

    chrisc55 Guest

    cheers for all your help. I will have a late one and give it a go.

    All the best

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