Can anyone please tell me how i can get my hands on this power supply give you when they install your system, as they are top quality! I cant seem to find any website and as it stands they can only be got off chorus!! i hope someone can "HELP" me!!!
I check this out some time back. There was a dude in Cork who would only sell them in boxes of 100. I ended up buying which does the job just perfectly
I have one of those but my its not great.. My signal is at 70% at best and quality is 30% at best.. i was told the original power supply from chorus (friwo) are great and id need more power to get the quality up!!
Well its kinda strange that mine works perfectly. I wonder if the problem might be that your dish is not correctly aligned with the base station or that the coax connection to the dish mign't be the best
so whats the best way of knowing its aligned the right way.. i can get some channels which are fine the others seem to have poor quality.. Could my downconverter be F****d??
I'm no genius on this. I don't know what box you are using but can you check your signal lock and signal strength. With my dreambox it shows you that the ariel has locked and what the strength is. I would hope your box can do the same. It would be in the service scanning menu. If that looks perfect then it would seem to point to the downconverter. However I think you will find that the signal strength is weak due to a poor connection or misalignment of the ariel. As to how to align an ariel, well its up onto the roof with you and bring a pair of binoculars so you can keep an eye on the tv to see if the signal strength improves as you move the ariel left or right
Seems this dude is just here for the quick answer. Sadly in this game its hard to give everyone the very specific answer thay all need. I guess we've done what we can
i would also be interested in a few of these and yes djskutz is right those power supplys you get from bubble skywonder etc.are crap they work reasonably well if you are close to the transmitter.