hi there! I have a softmodded xbox and was wondering how to put a mod chip onto it without losing all my already installed programs(emulators, evox, dvd2xbox, etc...) so I could play on xbox live. can anyone help?? thx
first thing you'll want to do is make sure you post an xbox question in the xbox forum, and not the DVD shrink forum luckily i can move it there for you.
" first thing you'll want to do is make sure you post an xbox question in the xbox forum, and not the DVD shrink forum luckily i can move it there for you." this is the xbox forum
Well first you should backup everything u can think of on ur harddrive and then back it up even more , than pop the modchip in and see if its all still there. I would think it should be, sice u dont have to format anything for a modchip to work.