This will be my first build. My question is about the front panel connections. This seems to be the part where do it yourself article say it this trial and error.If the case manufacturer tell you which wire is positive and which wire is negative, and the motherboard manufacturer tells you which pin is positive and which pin is negative in the manual why is it trial and error? My case will be the NZXT Tempest and the motherboard will be the ASUS p5e which has the q-connector for the front panal which should make it easy. But if i go with another company they would not have the q-connector.
it's not trial and error - but trial and error is often used to save time. In my mind anything that involves trial and error when building PCs is a bad idea. If you consult the manual carefully you'll easily figure it out. The Q connector makes the process simpler, but colour coded panels on the motherboard are always evident with other manufacturers and I've never had a problem with doing it. The Q connector was just a time saver that's all.
Thanks. I've only done the reading part of it. I have yet to do the hands on.This answers my last question. Everything else seems straight forward in regards to installing the hardware. I can't wait to get started on my build. After being overcharged for a computer repair i was determined to never let that happen again. I figure the best way to do that is build my own. Again thanks for helping me with my last hardware question before the cash outlay.
ajp the front panel connections can sometimes be tricky but as sammy said check the mobo manual closely and it should be simple enough. Remember with the front panel connectors the white wire is 'negative' and the colored wire is 'positive'. Good luck with your first build!
Indeed, I just installed a separate PCSpeaker to my board using the same philosophy, and as proof goes, that was the method I used. Worked a charm.