Hi, When I want to download a video file the computer screen goes blank (black screen) and restarts the computer as if I had pushed the reset button! On re-starting it checks the file system and a long list saying the Internet file was truncated and the last value invalid then when restarted a small box appears stating: The System has recovered from a serious error a log has been created for more info click here. I then get Error signature: BCCode 100008E: BCP1 C000005: BCP2: 80526E59; BCP3; B29E9764: BCP4: 00000000: OSVersion: 5_1_2600: SP:1_0 Product 768_1 Looking at the hardware devise list it seems all is okay with the capture devices! HELP!
Sounds like video card drivers. Do you have the most current drivers installed? If not, I would get'em and see what happens. On reboot, it is finding file fragments. Do a full scandisk and a full defrag just to clean up the drive. ~Rich