Hi,i would greatly appreciate if someone could spare 5mins and point me in the direction of locating the above,thanks in advance everyone!!!!!!
Hi,thanks a lot i appreciate your help.I looked in the library but nothing was listing,think i must have used an old link.I don't suppose you know where to get a replacement remote for the same unit mines a bit hit and miss,thanks again!!!!
http://www.4shared.com/account/file/119426631/631a053/FTA_101.html?sId=WhM9EDLQyHhuiZPB As for the remote does yours look like this you could email the seller and ask if it will work for yours.
Hi all, yep found loader and software unit is all silver and has the display off to the left Code: [/codeuk.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/fta101-Starview...]triede to add the link to the image not 100% it'll work we shall see,thanks!!
The link didn't work i just tried it what a "TOOL".Its on a google search in images 2nd in on the 2nd row show a pic of front and back its silver with large display.Thanks and sorry for the poor attempt at a link!!!!!!
trying to load the file into the box , just wont load . try file from last time loaded straight in , any ideas?
Hi,mine did same a few times i just kept trying and bingo went through,try turning unit on as you hit download i've heard this sometimes does trick,good luck!