I heard on the radio that hot boxes or black boxes that steal sattelite tv send frequancy waves back to the satelites or something like that so the companys like dishnetwork know that your stealing and they sue you. Is this true and Can you get caught using FTA receivers to get dishnetwork?
Regualer dishes can only recieve siganl not send, so i dont understand how this would work, also FTA is legal if you do not decrypt the pay channels.
SocomII is correct. There is no outside connection to the world with any FTA receiver. No phone hookup and no card to receive programming from Dish Network. Therefore no way anyone can check on you. If there is some other type of BLACK BOX that helps someone steal signal with a true Dish Network subscribed receiver then maybe thats what they are talking about. To my knowledge there isn't one like that but I could be wrong. Jerry
I have heard of people modifying Dish Receivers but in no way does it send signal back to the company. Like previously mentioned, its downsignal only. That is why satellite companys implore you to connect the telephone because it is bi-directonal.