A 'Dashbord' is what you'd could call the currently running OS on your XBOX™. this could be the 'M$Dash' (Gree 'Orb'),. 'Evox', 'Avalauch' or the 'XBMC'. Does that answer your your first question? As far as your 'Connection' to your 'XBOX™'. You'll need to ask yourself how do you plain on doing this. As there are really only Two way do do it it should be fairly simple. If your're trying to go the 'el Cheapo route and use a '2 NIC System' (i.e. PC->XBOX™) You'll need a CAT-5E (i.e. Crossover Cable). A normal CAT-5 Calbe, such as you might be currently useing to access the Internet with. **WILL NOT WORK WITH THIS SYSTEM NO MATTER WHAT!!** If you can not (or will not) use a CAT-5E (Crossover), Cable You will have to either purchase a 'Router' or a 'Switch'. In order to communicate with your XBOX™?. You can then connect your 'Router' to the 'Internet' and your 'PC'and 'XBOX™' to the 'Router'. You might try Googleing for 'Internet Connection Shareing' '2 Nic Connection' and 'Router Setups' for more info...