in flash fxp nothing comes up when i connect just WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.7g 11 Apr 2005 [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21 [R] Connected to but none of the xbox files show im using a crossover cable. i have unleashx. under network setting i have static ip on ip: under my computers settings i have use the following ip adress checked for the ip i have (tried .99 too) for flashfxp i set it to connect to none of the tuts help. wtf can i do to make it connect.
do this, go to start, connect to, then what ever you are connected to, right click on it and then click properties, then there is a scroll down bar, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on internet protocol (tcp/ip), then properties, then click the circle which says "Use the following IP Address", in the first box type in and in the next box below it type in and click ok and click ok again, now you are done with your computer... now for the xbox, go to system settings, system configuation, for the IP address type in and for the first DNS Sever type in, then go to the bottom hit save and exit and reboot the xbox, you are now done with your xbox.... now get the crossover cable and hook one end to the xbox and the other end to the PC, open FlashFXP and click the lighting bolt, type in in the Server or URL,then xbox for username and xbox for password, CLICK CONNECT and you are looking at your xbox folders
nope wont work. and no im not on the net while tryin to connect to my xbox. what about gateway ( and dns2 (
i already said i have unleashx.. and im trying the map thing again but it dosent work edit: wtf it made me post again