Alright I thought I had it figured out but everytime I try to transfer something the directory can't be found. How do i fix this and what does it mean.
get flashfxp click the lightning bolt symbol at top right click quick connect type in ip (bottom right corner of xbox) make sure disk tray is open for xbox type in username and password, the default for both is xbox drag and drop the file
if u mean take ur xbox E folder and make a copy of it on ur pc then clik it then drag it over to the left side of ur screen (that's ur pc)right side is the xbox
don't pay for flashfxp just use internet explorer Type ftp:// then your xbox ip (usually by default) then click enter after that a error will come up just click file/login as the type xbox as the name and password then your in do your thing
u can get a flashfxp free trial then when its done uninstall it an re-download it sot u dont have to pay