Is it possible to FTP to a xbo using a wireless connection? If so, can someone tell me how? Im using a lynksys wireless gamming adapter.
yes it is possable, i to have Linksys wireless, do you have a ethernet port in the back of your computer? if so read my fourm on how to set up your computer for ftping
no i was talking about being he'll have an open ethernet port on the back of his puter he can plug one in there and ftp that way
yes i have it done that way. You can also use play xbox live by bridging the connectoin. You will need the your wireless port and an ethernet port. IF you dont have an old ethernet port laying around, you can buy one cheap (i got one for like 30 bucks at office max).
Here's my setup: Network cable to my router Xbox uses wireless adapter When I ftp, I dont have to jack around w/ ports and the such. I jsut get my ip from the evox dash and put it in flashfxp...then connect. Nothing complicated like some of you guys are talkin about...
mines not complicated. all you do is add another ethernet port to your computer. Plug the crossover cable into your xbox, then into your computer. Wala.
use these: url[/img ] but w/o that space at the end b4 the ]. Make sure it is lower case img, that was my problem for a long time.