Sorry if this is in the wrong place I couldn't find another spot :/ Hey I just started using a modded xbox and have stayed up all night trying to FTP it with my computer. If anyone could help that would be great I have windows xp my computer has these settings ip-- subnet-- everything else is blank My xbox ip-- subnet-- Eveything else is blank. I'm using EvoX and flashFXP and everytime I try to connect it just says "connection failed"
First, you need to figure out your Xbox's username and password. Usually it is Username- xbox and Password- xbox. If that doesn't work, look in your BIOS or dashboard for password settings. When you know your password, open up FlashFXP and press Quick Connect. Next, where it says "Server or URL:" type in your Xbox's IP Address. After that, type in your username and password and make sure it is set on Port 21. Press connect and start FTP'ing!
Already did it, I've put in the names xbox and password xbox and alls I get is timed out, one time messing with it I got connection denied but I'm not sure how...
thats the exact same thing that is happening to says like connection failed and then delayed and stuff