I have Memorex 16X burner and I normally use Clone DVD2 along w/ Anydvd to burns movies. I bought a new pack of Fuji 16X discs and tried using several but kept getting a media write error--write DVD 10 11 W2. I then tried burning using DVD Xcopy and had no problem with the Fuji's. I then used a Memorex disc, which I used most often, and had no problem burning with Clone. Anyone have any idea what could be the problem?
Hi charger16 Are you using the latest CloneDVD - Check and make sure the firmware is up to date on the burner too.
Post back the make & model along with the version of firmware you are using. You can find this in the last screen of Clone. See pic - the firmware is next to rev. The firmware version in this pic is 1.02.
Update your firmware to BWSE Get it below. Type Memorex in search and look for your burner. Follow instructions to the tee. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_result.php?kaj=1&isces