i got a fuji finepix F440 the camera is great, small and very well built but my query is this i seen to be getting crisper and clearer pice on the 2 mega pixel seting over the 4 mega, even on the fine setting the 4 mega pix is still a pretty good picture but i have seen better, but when you set to 2 the quality is excellent i dont really want to leave it set to the 2 meg setting as i kind of defeats the purpose of it any info would be great
Is the ccd 4mpix? There's chance that higher resolutions are interpolated. So 2mpix is just resized to 4mpix.
i think that it is 4m pix ccd, so is that just a cheap ass way of producing a larger picture, i have seen some picture off other cameras in the same league, even cheap ones like the traveller from aldi of all cameras and the qualitys are pinsharp, but on this the darker areas or shadows even in light conditions are pixelated even on 2 megapix and as i said the edger are less defined on the 4m pix setting i was told that fugi are a very good camera manufacturer particularly as they produce their own lenses. the camera seem a lovely build but this just bugs me s there any tips i can ue to sharpen things up many thanks