I dont really know what discussion this should be posted under, but i figured since it involves eventually going to DVD, here would work. So heres my problem: I have a rip of and old HBO reverb episode that im trying to get onto dvd. It was taken from TV, so its supposed to be full screen, but it has been stretched to widescreen, making Bjork look very big horizontally. I used a program a while back and got it squished back (cant remember which program) but it ruined the quality. Ive been working on this for a few months off and on, because i pride myself in being able to take care of all my video problems myself for years. But this one got me so im posting in a newbie forum. Ive tried Nero Vision with adjustments, Winavi, and ConvertXtodvd with no luck. Thank you in advance for the help! -Andrew
More then likly you will not be able to correct this problem. If you do happen to correct it the quaility will not be that good due to encoding the video over and over. So you pretty much are stuck with what you have.