I have tried all that i have to try and backup Fun with Dick and Jane, but allas no success! I have tried DVD Shrink, No luck, Tried DVD decryptor, no luck there either, then i used Magic DVD Ripper, and that too did not work! i was able to copy it onto my Hard drive but then no luck in burning it! Could anybody please help! i know this seems to be a problem dvd, but i really enjoyed this movie and i would hate to not have a backup of this!
You can run it through Vob Blanker(since you have it on your Hard Drive already) or you can use AnyDVD which has a free 21 day trial. I personally used AnyDVD, then used Nero Recode 2 for 'Main Movie only' back-up... Vob Blanker http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm Guide for Blanker http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/293994http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/293994
any idea where i can get Nero Recoder 2. Thanks for the help Busy downloading Voblanker, the help is REALLT appreciated
Try using DVDFab Decrypter and then DVD Shrink and have AnyDVD running in the background. Here is the Nero Recode program. http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/deu/Nero_Recode_2.html Try using the above programs first they are free and very successfull.