Gadgets and stuff to take along when flying

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by gruven98, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. gruven98

    gruven98 Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    So let's say that you're traveling by air, and you're going to be up in the sky for quite some time. You've got all sorts of gadgets to take with you (ie: iPod, PSP, laptop) and you've gotta bunch of movies that you want to bring, but you're kinda limited. You think to yourself, I don't want to pack all these CDs with me to watch movies and you start looking at your laptop. It's not a bad machine, but it needs upgrading. Especially on space.

    So you think to yourself a couple things. You could upgrade your hard drive and DVD Shrink all your stuff and buy a bunch of spare batteries @ a $100 a pop (since you know there's no airline plug available). Maybe convert some shows to watch on the PSP and iPod....

    Or what would some of you folks do?
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    they will probably want you to check it with your luggage.. and they will xray it.. If taking it into the US they will also want to see what data it contains... copied films in any form = piracy across most of the world these days.. taking anything even not obviously illegal across country borders is a no no these days by air... they have the powers to confiscate any illegal media in whatever form.. again.. depends who looks.

    It varies by airport and airline.. but a lot these days will not allow larger electronic items as hand luggage. If you have to check it at the desk.. don't expect to see it again.

    If I was you I would just put up with the in flight movie and save yourself the possibility of a hell of a lot of hassle.. damn.. you even have to take your shoes off now..

    PSP or ipod sounds the best bet..
  3. gruven98

    gruven98 Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    I hear ya about taking your shoes off and all that other jazz.... I should've said that the trip in question isn't going through a "normal" airport, and it's certainly not a normal airline if you catch my drift. Let's just say that I won't have to worry too much about checking baggage and having things going through the x-ray machine. :)

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