Hello, When i connected my new sub in the line out on my dvd/reciever the sub ddint seem to work properly when i was playing a disc. It worked perfectly fine when listening to the tuner but not a cd or dvd. Please help if u have any ideas. Thanks
I'm going to assume you're not using a seperate CD player but rather playing your CDs and DVDs in the same unit? The sub is working fine with the tuner...I can't imagine what else it could be but the audio settings in the DVD player. DVD players will have different audio options depending on the make...some will have a "SUB ON-OFF" option but not all. I couldn't begin to tell you what the specific problem is but I would go into the DVDs audio menu and try the various options. If the sub works properly with the tuner, I can't imagine where else the problem would be coming from other than the DVD's audio menu.