I am looking at buying the X-ROM 512Mb SET for the Game Boy Advance. The only place I could find it at for a decent price was this: http://www.easybuy2000.com/store/nintendo accessories/index.html Anybody know of any other good websites that sell these?
The X-ROM works like a memory card but for the GameBoy Advance. It allows you to transfer files of your backup GBA games onto the card so you can have every game you own on one single cartridge instead of carrying all of them with you at once.
They are definitely not cheap! You can get them in different sizes, from 64 MB to 1GB. GBA roms are about 3 MB in file size, some new games are up around 10MB however. So if you got a 512MB or even a 256MB you could fit quite a few GBA roms on it. I think the cheapest 512 MB I found was around $150, not including shipping. I cannot find the site that offered them that cheap anymore, but I found this site which is decent and shows different sites that sell these "flash cards"... http://www.gameboy-advance.net/flash_card/flash_xtreme_512m_card.htm Well, I'll talk to you later dscrazy, keep it real man and I agree with you, keep gaming!
Well one of those things sure sounds good... but i dont have enough money for it, i would probably use that money to buy some ds games and accesories. I dont really play my gameboy anymore i just use my ds now. That last time i played a gameboy advance it felt all weird, small, and light compared to my ds lol. But i have a question that kinda doesnt go on this subject but..... how do u put like the words underneath what you wrote? like under some peoples it says like "keep gaming" or "everyones entitled to their own opininons, either respect that or dont" Help please lol.
haha, you have to go up to "My Account" then go to "Edit Personal Information" and then type in anything you want in the signature text box. Yeah, I wanna get a DS, but I can't afford one right now! I'm gonna wait until they drop to $100 and have more games out.
Well thanks im gonna go do that now. Yea thats a good idea, im not playing my ds much because i want online games.