Game Cube backups

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by craven, Feb 23, 2003.

  1. craven

    craven Guest

    Does anyone know how to go about backing up a Game Cube game? I've not seen any info anywhere on how to do this.

  2. msb5150

    msb5150 Regular member

    Dec 24, 2002
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    As far as I have seen, noone has been able to backup a gamecube game. Amazing isn't it, that companies like micersoft and sony who deal with piracy all the time cannot keep their games copy-protected, but nintendo can.
  3. craven

    craven Guest

    Yeah! of all companies out there you would think Microsoft would have them all beat. I hope someone figures this out though. My kids have a gamecube and they are rough on those little discs. With the great line up the Cube has this year I know I'll be buying a few.
  4. AIDEN

    AIDEN Guest

    think you answered your own question there matey,
    the size of the disk ?

    as far as i know the disks can be bought in malaysia ( for a price that is )

  5. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Within the next few months something should be released by a company as I have seen a movie of a GC booting a backup on a mini DVD-R.

    It has also been verified at well known "sites" that this is true. They are just working on the chipset for different versions to see what is best. As well as rip kit/hardware to work with the extraction of the info on the original to backup.

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