Game issues..

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by elucas001, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. elucas001

    elucas001 Guest

    Hello all, I have a question hopefully someone can answer. Now the answer may not be the one I want, however at least I will know the deal and can move on. I have downloaded some of the games I own that are in storage in Texas and all has gone well so far with FTPing the games to my xbox as well as burning them to disc and transferring them that way. I have an issue with one of them though. I downloaded And one streetball as I had just gotten it before I moved here and instead of the packaged files I usually ger where you just unpack the first one and presto there is your ISO, I got these files that look like px-and1s.035 and the numbers of course climb until 119. Now what I don't understand is why the files are in the format they are in as it is the square with the upper right corner folded down and the little web page looking pic. inside and when you try to open it it says Windows cannot open this file and gives you the option of using the internet to find the proper service. Now I don't know if this is just a corrupt download or what, but I thought maybe someone on this great site would know. Thanks up front for any input and advice.
  2. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    Use WinRAR to open the archive and extract the iso file.
  3. elucas001

    elucas001 Guest

    Thanks for the reply, but I did that already and all it did was give me a packaged file like the other ISO files I have burnt, however DVD Decrypter dosen't recognize it as an ISO and all it does if I unpack it is to unpack all the files I had before trying to make the ISO. Not sure about this one, I think I will try another torrent but feel free to lend anymore advice. Thanks....
  4. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    What's the file extension of the extracted file?
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    try using the internet as it will usually tell you the file extension of the file and that will give you insite into the program used to make it.
    On a rare occasion people use a program called HP Split or something like that instead of a compression program like Winrar.
    Those you could get HP Join and it would join them into an ISO.
    But like the extension of the file before and after extracted just to make sure.

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