Could someone help me find the GameCube BBA Modem. I am trying to rip GameCube games now. I bought a GameCube for $5 at a computer show and fixed it (adjusted the Lens and now it reads, took like 3 seconcds to do). Sorry I haven't been able to write on here for a long time, once I left Collage, I had no more internet until to night when my older brother forgot to lock his pc. I Can't use any of my game systems until I pay back my parents for a course that the dope instructor failed me in beccause he lost my final test and decided to fail me instead of give me the test again. That @#@#$#$@!#@#, oh well at least I have Emulators and lime wire on my PC so I can download GBA, and other files. But like I said I am trying to get the BBA adapter for the GameCube. I have everything else, the PSO Disc, Memory card and system, but no BBA Adapter. I Can't find it in any stores now, and I still can't believe it is so hard to find.
Nintendo sells them at their store online, but they are like $40 or $50.00 If you don't want to pay that much check out eBay. I got a used BBA for $15.00 3 months ago.
sorry creaky, I put it in the ps2 forum by mistake. Any ways I got Nintendo to sell me one for $30 instead of $40 because their Email they sent me crashed my PC and I had to fix it(some virus they had). I am up and running again.^_^