Could someone help me find the GameCube BBA Modem. I am trying to rip GameCube games now. I bought a GameCube for $5 at a computer show and fixed it (adjusted the Lens and now it reads, took like 3 seconcds to do). Sorry I haven't been able to write on here for a long time, once I left Collage, I had no more internet until to night when my older brother forgot to lock his pc. I Can't use any of my game systems until I pay back my parents for a course that the dope instructor failed me in beccause he lost my final test and decided to fail me instead of give me the test again. That @#@#$#$@!#@#, oh well at least I have Emulators and lime wire on my PC so I can download GBA, and other files. But like I said I am trying to get the BBA adapter for the GameCube. I have everything else, the PSO Disc, Memory card and system, but no BBA Adapter. I Can't find it in any stores now, and I still can't believe it is so hard to find.
You can search on ebay or something similiar for it.I am sure they have them,but probably cost alot now because they are hard to find like you mentioned.