Ok I'm going to soft mod my cube using the sd media launcher, what I am questioning is with the sketchy will work, wont work feedback of mini-dvd's (I can get verb mmc and ritek g04 mini-dvd) would it be better to get a case mod for my cube (the one from console plus isn't viper) and mod it to allow full size dvd-r which I Can get easier and cheaper (already have loads of verb mmc dvd-rs) I hear that the full size ones are better overall quality and work more often than not? Some feedback would be appreciated
the g04's should work fine, but the thing is that i think it's just easier getting a case mod (you may also save money overall depending on how many games you backup). cases are VERY easy to install. getting the original off without a gamebit is a different story... full-size discs are used more often for multiple reasons, so i believe their overall quality would be above mini-dvd's since minis are less utilitarian. i'm using full-sized $ony 8x DVD-R's right now [don't know the id...], and everything's working fine. i actually don't have a case right now, just an opened cube with a paper clip for the open/close sensor. also, i'm using sdload instead of sd media launcher because i already have an action replay and would rather not pay for another...
i dont have an action replay myself so have purchased the sd media launcher. Do you have a link to the paper clip method?