I understand that PSO can be used to stream games from the Gamecube to PC. But I can only find two versions on Phantasy Star Online. There is: Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2, and Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2 plus. Which one will work for streaming games? Does it say on the box if it is Plus or not? I don't want to buy the wrong one.
Ok so I am assuming if you are asking about PSO you have a BBA. With all the new cool things that have happened since the start of this year in th GC scene, why are you using PSO? I have never used it and can stream, rip, run dols, run GCoS on my cube with NO mod chip. I started with SDload and here recently have set up a couple of my mem cards with Samson's ARloader - one direct boots into GCoS swap disc and the other has a few handy dols on it, GCoS, ctr-gcs, and s3-gcsim. All with NO PSO!