I put in me gamecube a XenoGC and when I read the pot it is measure a 130 ohms whit this I can load my games (originals) but in order to play my back ups was necessary to decreases to 50 0hms an some times play the games just for 10 minutes and them its notice a error and some time its couldn’t play ...the question is my cube need a new Lents? If yes where can I buy it?
I kinda had the same prob. Using better media solved this in my case. My factory default POT setting was 228 & it plays backups on fullsize dvds fine. Was this your problem: you play for ages & suddenly a DRE appears, you restart the cube but it still appears & you cant play until you leave it for awhile....? Have you tried setting your POT upto or over 170? In some cases I heard this fixed this problem. Also what brand & type of dvds are you using? It might just be a media problem. Was 130 your default setting when you first checked? 130 is a dangereously low setting & will enventually kill your laser if used alot.....so I recomment you change it ASAP. If you still get DREs after trying different dvds & POT settings, it just might be a laser problem. If so you can occasionally find replacement lasers on ebay once in a while or you could buy a cheap used gc & just take the laser from that one & resell the stuffed one. Hope that helps.