Is it possible to put a gamecube video card in a pc???? Plz help me my gamecube is collecting dust in my basement gotta make an use for the money i wasted on it.
Ok... learn how currency moves on circuits, then separate all integrated videocard chips from GC MB and build own card that fits to PC from those components and add more components, and learn coding, and make drivers to it. So easy...
Is it possible to put a gamecube video card in a pc???? Plz help me my gamecube is collecting dust in my basement gotta make an use for the money i wasted on it. In a simple answer NO you can't use your gamecube video card. It is not a riser card to fit in a pc. So to the rest of the crew here it now should be a dead issue. If you want to get rid of your cube send me and email and will talk!