I cant seem to find a job thats any good in the field of pcs. I dont wanna repair, i suck at art in general so i cant do anything in the gaming field even though i would like to. Any hting good out there at all? Im a freshman in high. Any ideas on a job that i should go for from now that involes gaming but not art or computers but not repair. Its early i know, but i dont wanna leave this off for junior year.
you have about 4yrs to go til you graduate high school & things change during that time as does priorities but also consider college/university before worring about a job but use that education towards that job.
Sounds to me like you want a job coding or as a network specialist, both of which are tremendously assisted by a college degree. Get the degree, but also build up your "toolbox" of skills, a few of which you will learn in school, but most of which you can learn on your own. I have a degree in a non-computer area, and I know of plenty of people who are in IT or coding jobs at places like Symantec and Dell who have degrees in Philosophy and Psychology. Get the degree and have the necessary skill set and you will be ok.
i'll look into that. Thanks By the way... Its not too early. I have a nasty habit of laying back on things and then it doesnt get done. "Whats put off for tommorow, stays for tommorow" Thanks again