gaming question?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Ogrillion, May 11, 2005.

  1. Ogrillion

    Ogrillion Member

    May 11, 2005
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    Well Hello,

    Just recently found this forum, great source of information and I thought maybe I get some advice if thats ok.

    Basically heres the situation.. About a year ago I bought a new PC, piece of crap basically.. Intergrated garbage so I ended up gutting it and getting a new motherboard / cpu on it. So here is what it is now..

    Its a Biostar M7VIG Pro ( - don't know how to interest a easy link sorry..

    Anyways on the board:
    -1gig ddr ram, nothing great kingston don't know the clock speed on it but it was cheap so can't be anything that great.
    -1.2 gig AMD athlon processor
    -80gig 7200 HD
    I originally put in a Geforce TI 4200 card, that one broke so PNY sent me a Geforce FX 5600 ultra..

    Now when playing games like world of warcraft my FPS in unpopulated areas are about 30-50, not bad right.. But thats with all my stats at bare min. plus the clip plane all the way down. Plus all the stats on the card set to performance.. As soon as I hit like a big city (ogrim / stormwind for the wow players) I go to about 5-8fps.. Its terrible.. And like in big raids I get about that no matter where I am.. sometimes over 10..

    Now people told me it was my videocard so I went out and bought a ATI 9800pro.. Its maybe a litlte better.. I havn't done any tests but the framerate is maybe slightly better but I still have all the stats to min.

    Now I just bought a new dell computer, they were running that super save 750$ deal and I got a 3.2 P4 system with a ati 300x express card.. Sweet system.. But the old one is for my g/f so she can play..

    So basically looking for some tips.. cheap as possible what can I do to help this situation out.. Also the computer runs alittle hot about 70-80c.. According to bios.. Dunno if thats accurate - I bought another fan, have one PSU fan, cpu and now one under the PSU but it didn't seem to do much.. The fan under the PSU should be sucking the air out.. its a 80mm one guess I should spend more and get a bigger one. Could that be slugging my system a little bit?

    I am running windows XP pro, SP2.. Also are there any driver tweak things I can do.. Maybe disabling that Antialias and the other one, not sure what they do.. I tried running the game at different resoluations amazingly it doesn't seem to help all that much, still choppy.. I mean is it hopeless does my CPU just mess up my system.. Should I return the video card and go back to using my geforce 5600 - maybe the 9800 was just a waste of money lol.. 250$ back in my pocket?

    Anyways thanks for your time!

    Also I have never flashed the bios to update it, biostar always said don't do it unless theres a problem.. I may have updated the drivers for the card but not 100% on that.. Also I tried a lot of drivers for the ati.. omega ones as well..
  2. Liez4Love

    Liez4Love Regular member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    What internet connection do you have? to me i am positive it is your internet connection. Because i have a friend who has broadband, and it lags for him only in big cities and raids in WOW. So just calm down and unless your comp freezes every minute, then worry about it, but to me it jusrt sounds like some lag due to the population in one city.
  3. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    It also depends on the server you connect to. I have found Malygos to have a lot less lag than Eldre'Thalas for me. I also have noticed that the PVP servers are more laggy than the PVE servers. In any case, the more people and objects the game has to track, such as in a town or raid group, the slower it is even with a fast PC.
  4. Ogrillion

    Ogrillion Member

    May 11, 2005
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    Well see I thought of that.. but my new computer, runs the towns flawlessly.. Well every now and then when I first get to a big city everything locks for about a second as it loads, then its smooth as anything..

    I am just kinda stuck with this computer as to what to do.. I think it just is the way it is and don't worry about it.. I mean it runs ok in low populated areas.. I prolly have to work on getting the heat under control though
  5. haimback

    haimback Regular member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Hi there just to add the speed of your memory will effect game play and load rates, as for the heat problems really should have 2 case fans - an intake at the front and exhaust at the back, this gives good airflow and you'll notice temps dropping right away
    personally i have a 80mm intake and 120mm exhaust
    Last edited: May 11, 2005

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