We can play the GC fine for only a bit. then the light goes out and the disk quits spinning. the power is still there because if i listen closely and put my hand on the side i can hear the fan turning. please tell me its not the processor. we can still play it some. ive have it for 14 months now....figures the warrantee ran out 2 months ago. help pls
IS it dusty seems like its overheating,by dusty i mean do the ventilation Intake/Outake have alot of Dust on them?
Yep, sounds like an overheating problem. You said you cleaned it, so maybe get a big fan to blow on it, make sure it's on a flat surface and stuff. If you have a tool to open it, I would suggest checking all the fans on the inside and clean any dust/hair build up. I have a cat so cat hair is a possiblilty for me. Of course, since the Wii came out, most the GC are probably all going to die. They build them like this, you know. =)
i tried opening it to give it a good cleaning but i dont know if thats possible. i blew into both side vents. not really dusty or anytthing from what i can tell. i am trying itagain now. will let ya know.
I had that problem too; I vacuumed it out rather than blowing into it, and I disconnected the generic controller. It works fine now for over 6 months. Not sure if it was dust or generic controller blowing fuses in GC. Good luck!