GEFORCE fan is dying

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by pinkerton, Jun 22, 2003.

  1. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    I have a geforce 4 MX 440 and recently the fan started making a horrible sound (vibrating sound). However, it only does it now and then and always when i first boot up. I can rectifiy the problem my kicking the side of my PC (which i know is never good) this seems to stop the sound. has the fan been knock out of alignment (previous to me kicking it!!!).
    Any suggestions? Do i need a new fan? where can i buy standard replacements?


  2. gluon

    gluon Guest

    I'd take the fan off and give it a really good clean first. If it still makes a noise you need to replace it quickly, if it stops your card is going to fry. I've never seen any replacement fans for sale but then I've never looked. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you have to go back to the card manufacturer.
    A really neat alternative is to replace the fan with a heat sink. No noise. You can get a graphics card heatsink from QuietPC. You have to make sure there is room for it and it’s a permanent change as they are superglued on. I’ve got one and it seems to be OK, no problems with the card anyway. There’s no way to check the temperature though so it might actually be running a lot hotter which would reduce the cards life. Then again I’ve never run a graphics card into the ground as I’ve always wanted a better one long before the old one has died.
    QuitPC do loads of good stuff to quieten the noisy little bastards down. My PC lives alongside my hi-fi and has to be quiet. I’ve spent a few quid but you wouldn’t know it was on now. (this is the UK site but they are in North America as well),
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Could it be a stray cable grinding with the fan?
  4. xbennyboy

    xbennyboy Guest

    Same card as you. I have also heard a weird sound, but it only happens when I run the "Inside the Matrix Screensaver" from It doesn't make the sound when i run games like ghost recon, half-life, splinter-cell, etc. etc. And these games have far better graphics than the screensaver. The sound is not all that loud and horrible though.

    It can also be your harddrive! or your power-supply fan! Happened to my other comp that had a no-fan graphics card (no 3D Acceleration). Sound was horrible! I mean it, especially at start-up. When i touched the case there were so many vibrations.

    But best thing is to check the card and power-supply fans! Don't kick it!
  5. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Could also be the proc fan too! I redid a machine for a friend who was complaining about a grinding sound... turned out the proc fan! :)
  6. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    Its all over now. My Card is dead. The fan died and the card overheated. I did try to use anoher fan that I bought, but the card must be fried. All I get now when i try to use it is the dreaded "beep beep be be be beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!" when I boot up, and it IS INSTALLED correctly. Im using my old trusty geforce 2 now :-/...
  7. xbennyboy

    xbennyboy Guest

    Oh gosh! Geez
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Interesting..... I have a GF4MX440 that doesn even have a fan.... just an ugly heatsink.... all i have is a PCI Slot Exhaust fan next to it..... and it doesnt get warm at all.... interesting .... were you OC'ing?
  9. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    Nope i wasnt. It had a standard sleeve bearing fan which came with it. One day it started making a whiring sound and then it just stopped all together. My PC crashed so i quickly turned the power off and started up again (without the fan) and it worked for a couple of seconds then crashed again. When I put a new fan on it makes that beep beep bepppppppppppepepepe sound which normaly means something cant be found or is installed wrong, I know its installed right. I'm just gonna put this one down to experience and add it to the libary of things which have gone wrong with my pc's in the past. :(
  10. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Perhaps you shorted something when u added the new fan?
  11. hoboooo

    hoboooo Guest

    I have a gforceMX440, it makes a horrible sound most of the time and has done since i bought it. I had the same problem with my TNT2 The fan faces down and for some reason rubs on the caseing... if i put a little presure with my finger on the centre of the fan it stops making the noise. I currently have a pencil proped up keeping in quiet at the mo.

    I'm planning on buying a Zalman Heat Pipe to replace the fan.. its a crazy device that goes round thwe front and back of you card and has no fan. They cost about £20 and are best suited to the MX cards due to them not running to hot (cus there slow) and having fan mounting holes.

    You can get then from in th UK, not sure bout in the US or anywhere else

  12. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Ive read a bit here and there about heat pipes.... how exactly do you plan to attached the heatpipe to the vid.card? Surely you are not planning on going Voodoo and welding it? :)
  13. hoboooo

    hoboooo Guest

    Gforce MX have 4 mounting holes already on them, i hear the pipe mounts onto that.
  14. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Oh right... forgot about that... Ive been dealing lately with the budget end cards that dont have mounting holes grrrrrr
  15. hoboooo

    hoboooo Guest

    Hey Praetor, You have the same Mobo as me... A7N8X-Deluxe, can you explain to me what the Dual Channel DDR thing is (when you have two ddr chips in the apprpriate memmory slots). Does it make it any faster? I'm currently just using one (cheap) DDR3200 256 chip, and not sure wether to invest in a second.
  16. hoboooo

    hoboooo Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2003
  17. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    1. Ever since i got this motherboard I got it with twin 512s so I dont know the performance with just a single 512
    2. The motherboard I have the A7V8X-X does not feature dual-channel support. The dual-ddr memory design allows for twice the bandwitdth to be delivered to PC3200 modules as to eliminated memory bottlenecks (
    3. Odds are you are thinking of the A7N8X-Deluxe (
    4. It would be well worth to upgrade your memory! For a fancy mobo like the one you have, it would be much happier with 512/768/1024 RAM.... RAM is cheap nowadays (at least the stock type). The fancy Corsair TwinX Plats will always be expensive hehe_X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7V8X-X, AMD2500+
    Samsung 1024MB, PC2700
    360GB [3x120GB, 7200, 8MB]
    MSI Starforce, GeForce4 Ti4400 128MB

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    Last edited: Aug 24, 2003

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